Yvonne Clark

Associate Professor, PhD, MA, BA(Hons, Psychology)

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PhD, MA (Clinical Psychology), BA (Hons Psychology)


Dr Yvonne Clark is a Kokatha/Wirangu woman whose family is originally from the west coast and desert regions in South Australia. She is an AHPRA registered and has been a clinically endorsed psychologist for 21 years and has recently gained her PhD in Psychology. Yvonne has extensive experience in clinical, community and academic psychology within the government, private and university sector. In her role as a clinician she has worked mainly with children, adolescents and their families. Yvonne has worked at the University of Adelaide from 2008 to  2018 in a lecturing and research role and where she completed her PhD which was on on lateral violence within the Aboriginal community in Adelaide, SA.

Yvonne commenced in SAHMRI from  March 2018 to January 2020 as a Research Fellow for the Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future (HPNF) project (LaTrobe University, Melbourne and  based in SAHMRI). This project  is funded by grants from the Lowitja Institute and NHMRC and aims to develop strategies for Aboriginal perinatal parents who have experienced trauma. She continues to be a CI on the research. Yvonne was awareded and Early learning (EL1) NHMRC investigator grant from January 2020 to December 2024, for a research titled "Improving wellbeing and preventing lateral violence in the Aboriginal community in SA: Investing in our young"

Yvonne is on and has been on various Psychology working parties and reference groups and is currently a member of the Australian Indigenous Psychological Association (AIPA), the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and the APS Interest group Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Psychology.

She is an early career researcher and is publishing widely on various topics related to Indigenous people, psychology, mental health, social and emotional wellbeing, lateral violence, children and young people and education.

Material Published: (Key Publications and Refereed journal articles in last 10 years)

Clark, Y. & Hirvonen, T. (in press). Decolonising Australian Psychology: Influences from Aboriginal Psychologists. In S. Kessi, S. Suffla, & M. Seedat (Eds.) Decolonial Enactments in Community Psychology. south Africa: Springer

Clark, Y., Gee, G., Ralph, N., Atkinson, C., Brown, SJ., Glover, K., McLachlan, H., Gartland, D., Hirvonen, T., Atkinson, J., Andrews, S., Chamberlain, C., the healing the past by nurturing the future investigators and co-design group. (2020). Healing the past by nurturing the future: Cultural and emotional safety framework. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri-Pimatisiwin, 5 (1). URL: https://journalindigenouswellbeing.com/category/article/issuename/volume-5-issue-1-may-2020/

Chamberlain, C., Ralph, N., Hokke, S., Clark, Y., Gee, G., Stansfield, C., Sutcliffe, K., Brown, SJ., Brennan, S. (2019). Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis of pregnancy, birth and early postpartum experiences and views of parents with a history of childhood maltreatment. PLOS ONE 14 (12). doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225441

Clark, Y. & Glover, K. (2019). Lateral violence in the Aboriginal community: From awareness to transformations. In R. Shelly, K. Te Riele, N. Brown & T. Crellin (Eds.). Harnessing the power of education. Rotterdam: Brill 

Chamberlain, C., Gee, G., Harfield, S., Campbell, S., Brennan, S., Clark, Y., Mensah, F., Arabena, K., Herman, H., Brown, SJ. for the Healing hre past by nurturing the future team. (2019). Parenting after a history of childhood maltreatment: A scoping review and map of evidence in the perinatal period. PLOS ONE. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0213460

Chamberlain, C., Gee, G., Brown, SJ., Atkinson, J., Herman, H., Gartland, D., Glover, K., Clark, Y., Campbell, S., Mensah, F., Atkinson, C., Brennan, S., McLachlan, H., Hirvonen, T., Dyall, D., Ralph, N., Hokke, S., Nicholson, JM. (2018). Healing the past by nurturing the future-co-design perinatal strategies for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents experiencing comples trauma: framework and protocol for community-based participatory action research study. BMJ open. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028397.

Clark, Y., Augoustinos, M., & Malin, M. (2017). Evaluation of the preventing lateral violence workshops: Phase 1 questionnaire responses. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri-Pimatisiwin, 2(3), 41-53.

Clark, Y., Augoustinos, M., & Malin, M. (2017). Evaluation of the preventing lateral violence workshops: Phase 2 qualitative responses. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri-Pimatisiwin, 2(3), 54-66.

Clark, Y., Augoustinos, M., & Malin, M. (2017). Coping and prevention of lateral violence in the Aboriginal community in Adelaide. The Australian Community Psychologist, 28 (2), 105-123

Clark, Y., Augoustinos, M., & Malin, M. (2016). Lateral violence within the Aboriginal community in Adelaide: It affects our identity and wellbeing. Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing: Te Mauri-Pimatisiwin, 1(1), 43-52.

Clark, Y., & Augoustinos, M. (2015). What’s in a name? Lateral violence within the Aboriginal community in Adelaide, South Australia. The Australian Community Psychologist27(2), 19-34.

Clark, Y., Chur-Hansen, A., Turnbull, D. & Masciantonio, S. (2013). A qualitative study of Australian Undergraduate Psychology students' attitudes toward the teaching of Indigenous and cross-cultural psychology of one university. Focus on Health Professional Education (FOHPE), 14(3), 25-37.

Clark, Y. (2011). Looking for home. www.emedici.com

Dudgeon, P. Darleston-Jones, D. & Clark, Y. (2011). Changing the lens: Indigenous perspectives on Psychological literacy in the psychologically literate citizen: Foundations and global perspectives, edited by Jacky Cranney and Dana Dunn, Oxford Uni Press.

Guerin, P.B., Guerin, B., Tedmanson, D., & Clark, Y. (2011). How can country, spirituality, music and arts contribute to Indigenous mental health and well-being? Australasian Psychiatry, 19 (Suppl. 1), 38-41

Semmler, C., Nahum, T., & Clark, Y. (2010). An examination of hope, self-esteem and positive and negative experiences among first year psychology students. Conference presentation. The Education Research Group of Adelaide.

Guerin, P., Guerin, B., Tedmanson, D., & Clark, Y. (2009) How do we think about Indigenous mental health in rural and remote communities? STATEing Women's Health, 8-13

Material Unpublished (over last 15 years)

Wells, O., Clark, Y., Mensah, F., Bennetts, S., Chamberlain, C., for the healing the past by nurturing the future investigators group and co-design group. (2019). Key stakeholders co-design workshop three report. Thornbury: Victoria

Chamberlain, C., Ralph, N., Clark, Y. & Gee, G. for the healing the past by nurturing the future investigators and co-design group (2018). Key stakeholder co-design workshop two report. Alice Springs, Northern Territory.

Ralph, N., Clark, Y., Gee, G. & Chamberlain, C. (2018). Healing the Past by Nurturing the Future: Perinatal support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Parents who have experienced complex childhood trauma- workshop one report. Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University: Bundoora, Melbourne

Clark, Y. (April, 2010). It’s not just a black or white issue (within boxed section Dudgeon, Kelly & Gridley: Major achievements for the Australian Indigenous Psychologists Association). InPsych, 32 (2).

Clark, Y and Grey, B (2009) Review of the roles of Aboriginal Cultural Consultants in Child and Family Health, SA.

Thomas, R., Clark, Y., Wall, S., (2005) Review of Yaitya Tirramangkotti. Families SA, Adelaide

Clark, Y. Carver, M. and Longbottom, J. (2003) Review of Aboriginal Children in Non-Aboriginal Care, Dept of Human Services, Adelaide

Clark, Y., & Stewart, T. (2000). A focused step toward Wellness and wellbeing in Aboriginal Health. South Australian Aboriginal Health Partnership. 

Education/Academic qualification

D.Psych, Doctor of Psychology, Lateral Violence in the Aboriginal Community in SA: From dilemmas to strategies, University of Adelaide

4 May 201331 May 2017

Award Date: 31 Jul 2017


  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
  • Children
  • social and emotional wellbeing
  • lateral violence
  • trauma
  • racism
  • mental health

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