Diverse growth hormone receptor gene mutations in Laron syndrome

Mary Anne Berg, Jesus Argente, Steven Chernausek, Ricardo Gracia, Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, Maxwell Hopp, Luis Pérez-Jurado, Arlan Rosenbloom, Sergio P.A. Toledo, Uta Francke

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To better understand the molecular genetic basis and genetic epidemiology of Laron syndrome (growth-hormone insensitivity syndrome), we analyzed the growth-hormone receptor (GHR) genes of seven unrelated affected individuals from the United States, South America, Europe, and Africa. We amplified all nine GHR gene exons and splice junctions from these individuals by PCR and screened the products for mutations by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). We identified a single GHR gene fragment with abnormal DGGE results for each affected individual, sequenced this fragment, and, in each case, identified a mutation likely to cause Laron syndrome, including two nonsense mutations (R43X and R217X), two splice-junction mutations, (189-1 G to T and 71+1 G to A), and two frameshift mutations (46 del TT and 230 del TA or AT). Only one of these mutations, R43X, has been previously reported. Using haplotype analysis, we determined that this mutation, which involves a CpG dinucleotide hot spot, likely arose as a separate event in this case, relative to the two prior reports of R43X. Aside from R43X, the mutations we identified are unique to patients from particular geographic regions. Ten GHR gene mutations have now been described in this disorder. We conclude that Laron syndrome is caused by diverse GHR gene mutations, including deletions, RNA processing defects, translational stop codons, and missense codons. All the identified mutations involve the extracellular domain of the receptor, and most are unique to particular families or geographic areas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)998-1005
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican Journal of Human Genetics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished or Issued - May 1993
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Genetics(clinical)

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