Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of Primary Health Care Interventions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Chronic Diseases: A systematic review protocol

Carol Davy, Edoardo C. Aromataris, Odette Pearson, Alex Brown

Research output: Contribution to journalLiterature reviewpeer-review


Review question/objective
This systematic review seeks to:

1. Identify and synthesise relevant international evidence on the factors or facilitators that support the implementation of interventions aimed at improving chronic disease (CD) care for Indigenous people within the primary health care (PHC) setting; and

2. Identify and synthesise relevant international evidence on the factors or obstacles that inhibit the implementation of interventions aimed at improving CD care for Indigenous people within the PHC setting.

The specific purpose of this review is to systematically examine the scientific literature in order to examine factors that facilitate and/or inhibit the implementation of interventions aimed at improving primary health care provided to Indigenous patients with chronic disease. More specifically, to fully encompass the factors of interest, the questions asked by this review are:

• What attitudes, beliefs, expectations, understandings, perceptions, experiences and knowledge of Indigenous communities support (facilitators) or inhibit (barriers) the implementation of interventions aimed at improving CD care for Indigenous people within the PHC setting?

• What attitudes, beliefs, expectations, understandings, perceptions, experiences and knowledge of health care providers support (facilitators) or inhibit (barriers) the implementation of interventions aimed at improving CD care for Indigenous people within the PHC setting?

• What attitudes, beliefs, expectations, understandings, perceptions, experiences and knowledge of policy and decision makers support (facilitators) or inhibit (barriers) the implementation of interventions aimed at improving CD care for Indigenous people within the PHC setting?
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)299-311
JournalJBI Database of Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished or Issued - Jul 2013

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