Revisiting transconjunctival sutureless 25-gauge vitrectomy: Still worthwhile?

Teresa Sandinha, Clairton de Souza, Rohan Essex, Theresa Lan Kelly, Stewart Lake, Russell Phillips

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Citations (Scopus)


To present the outcomes of various retinal conditions treated with the sutureless 25-gauge (25G) vitrectomy technique. Retrospective case review of 232 eyes of 228 patients who underwent 25G vitrectomy from January 2003 to August 2006. Follow-up was a minimum of 3 months. Indications for surgery included idiopathic macular hole, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, epiretinal membrane and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Main outcome measures included final visual acuity, re-operation rate and surgical complications such as endophthalmitis, hypotony and retinal (re)detachment. For all cases, the mean overall visual acuity (logMAR) improved from 0.9 preoperatively to 0.5 (P < 0.0001). The improvement in acuity was highest in the rhegmatogenous detachment and diabetic groups. Transient postoperative hypotony was observed in 15 cases (9.2%) on day 1 after surgery but all these cases resolved. In 7.3% of the cases (17 out of 232) additional surgery was performed due to retina (re)detachment but final anatomic success was achieved in all cases; the detachments occurred within the first 3 months. One patients developed endophthalmitis (0.4%) which coincided with subconjunctival antibiotics being discontinued in favour of topical treatment. The 25G system remains a safe and effective technique for a variety of retinal conditions; significant fast visual rehabilitation is an advantage.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)649-653
Number of pages5
JournalClinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished or Issued - Sept 2009
Externally publishedYes


  • 25-gauge
  • Sutureless
  • Transconjunctival
  • Vitrectomy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Ophthalmology

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